
Date: 2007/03/21 
Revision: 1.59 


      gwlm - Global Workload Manager


      gwlm command [options]


      This command is available only on gWLM Central Management Servers
      (systems where you run gwlmcmsd).


      The gwlm command is a command-line interface for Global Workload
      Manager (gWLM).  It allows an administrator on the gWLM Central
      Management Server (CMS) to interact with gWLM when a web browser is
      unavailable or inconvenient.

      NOTE: The configuration repository mentioned below is created when you
      run the vseinitconfig --initconfig command on the CMS.

      Valid values for command are:

	   list	       List the contents of the configuration repository.

	   discover    Discover potential shared resource domains.

	   import      Import definitions for shared resource domains,
		       policies, or workloads into the configuration

	   export      Export all the definitions in the configuration
		       repository or only the definitions for the specified
		       shared resource domains, policies, and workloads.

	   deploy      Deploy a shared resource domain.

	   undeploy    Undeploy a shared resource domain.

	   manage      Manage an additional workload by associating it with
		       a deployed shared resource domain.

	   unmanage    Stop managing a workload by removing it from its
		       shared resource domain.

	   delete      Delete definitions for shared resource domains,
		       policies, or workloads from the configuration

	   rename      Rename a shared resource domain, policy, or workload.

	   license     Check gWLM software license status on managed nodes.

	   monitor     Monitor gWLM operation.

	   history     Manage historical data.

	   agentinfo   Display agent information.

	   reset       Reset agent configuration so host can be managed


      This section describes the use of each command.  A summary help
      message is available for each command by specifying the option --help
      with the command.	 Note that option arguments are introduced by two
      dash characters (--), not a single dash character (-).

    list [--policy[=policy]] [--workload[=workload]] [--srd[=SRD]] [...]

      List the contents of the configuration repository.

      If you do not specify any arguments, the entire contents are listed.

		  List all policies. Limit the listing to a particular
		  policy by indicating the policy's name.

		  List all workloads.  Limit the listing to a particular
		  workload by indicating the workload's name.

      --srd[=SRD] List all shared resource domains.  Limit the listing to a
		  particular shared resource domain by indicating the SRD's

    discover [--file=file] [--type=type] [--verbose] host [...]

    discover [--file=file] --nested --type=type [...] [--verbose] host [...]

      Discover potential shared resource domains.  A summary of the results
      is written to stdout.

      To create an SRD, specify --file=file to save detailed results in XML
      format then use file as input for an import operation.

      --file=file Save the results to the specified file in XML format.

      --nested	  Create SRDs with nested partitions, such as fss groups
		  inside vpars, with gWLM managing resources for all the
		  partition types.

		  NOTE: No more than one deployed SRD per complex should
		  have nested partitions.

		  --type is required when you specify --nested.	 Specifying
		  --type just once manages only compartments of that type
		  for all the given hosts.  Specifying --type for each host
		  manages different compartments for the different hosts.
		  (You can indicate each type and its host by specifying
		  --type immediately followed by its host for each type-host
		  combination. Alternatively, you can enter all the --type
		  options followed by all the hosts, with the type and host
		  matched based on the order.)

		  For example, if a complex is divided into four npars each
		  with Instant Capacity installed, two of the npars could be
		  further divided into fss groups and the other two npars
		  could be divided into vpars. gWLM would manage resource
		  allocations for the fss groups or vpars within a given
		  npar, but it could also migrate resources among the npars.
		  Such a command might look like:

		  # gwlm discover --file=/tmp/mySRD --nested \
		    --type=fss nparA --type=fss nparB \
		    --type=vpar nparC --type=vpar nparD

      --type=type Set discovery type to one of fss, pset, vpar, npar, or
		  hpvm.	 Compartments for your workloads are based on the
		  type.	 By default, all types are discovered. Seeing all
		  types allows you to better decide which type to use. Once
		  you decide on the type to use, this option allows you to
		  restrict the discovery results to that type.	(gWLM
		  manages only one compartment type in an SRD, unless you
		  use the discover --nested option.  You must specify --type
		  at least one time when you specify --nested.)

      --verbose	  Display verbose output, showing:

		  + All the discovered compartment data

		  + Diagnostic informational messages about the discovery
		    (Warnings are displayed regardless of whether --verbose
		    is used.)

		  Use this output to better understand how a discovered SRD
		  was formed or to determine discovery issues.

      host	  Hostname of a managed node to check for potential SRDs.
		  Specify multiple hosts separated by white space. (The
		  gwlmagent process must be running on each specified host.)

    import [--file=file] [--clobber] [--mute]
      Import a definition for a shared resource domain, policy, or workload
      into the configuration repository.  The input, in XML form, is taken
      from stdin unless you specify the --file option. (The XML is described
      in the gwlmxml(4) manpage.)

      If you import the definition of an SRD that has the same name as a
      deployed SRD, the newly imported SRD is deployed--taking the place of
      the first SRD. Similarly, if you import a workload definition or
      policy definition and a workload or policy of the same name is in a
      deployed SRD, the new definition is used immediately.

      --file=file Read from the specified XML file.

      --clobber	  Force an overwrite of an existing definition.	 This option
		  is required if a definition being imported modifies a
		  definition in the repository that is more recent.

      --mute	  Suppress validation warnings. If there are validation
		  errors though, the validation errors and warnings are

    { --all | --policy=policy | --workload=workload | --srd=SRD } [...]
      Export all the definitions in the configuration repository or only the
      definitions for the specified shared resource domains, policies, and
      workloads.  The output is in XML format and is described in the
      gwlmxml(4) manpage.  Export multiple items by repeating arguments.

      --all	  Export all the definitions in the configuration

		  Export the definition for the specified policy.

		  Export the definition for the specified workload.

      --srd=SRD	  Export the definition for the specified SRD.

      --file=file Redirect the XML output to the specified file.

    deploy --srd=SRD [...] [--force] [--mute]
      Deploy a shared resource domain, in either advisory mode or managed
      mode. (You set this mode in the SRD definition.) When an SRD is
      deployed in advisory mode, gWLM simply reports what the resource
      allocations would be--without actually affecting allocations on the
      system.  (Advisory mode is not available if the SRD contains virtual
      machines, psets, or fss groups.)	When you deploy an SRD in managed
      mode, gWLM begins managing the SRD, migrating resources among
      workloads as specified in your policies.

      Deploy multiple, nonoverlapping SRDs by repeating the --srd=SRD

      NOTE: There are several properties you can set in the file
      /etc/opt/gwlm/conf/ that are read by gWLM only when
      deploying SRDs. Read the file and set any relevant properties before
      you deploy any SRDs.

      --srd=SRD	  Deploy the named shared resource domain (SRD).

      --force	  Force the SRD to be considered deployed in the gWLM
		  configuration repository. This option is useful when the
		  gWLM CMS and an agent disagree about whether an SRD is
		  deployed or undeployed.

      --mute	  Suppress validation warnings. If there are validation
		  errors though, the validation errors and warnings are

    undeploy --srd=SRD [...] [--force]
      Undeploy a shared resource domain. Undeploy multiple SRDs by repeating
      the --srd=SRD argument.

      --srd=SRD	  Undeploy the specified shared resource domain.

      --force	  Force the SRD to be considered undeployed in the gWLM
		  configuration repository. This option is useful when the
		  gWLM CMS and an agent disagree about whether an SRD is
		  deployed or undeployed.

      NOTE: When undeploying SRDs based on pset compartments or fss group
      compartments, gWLM removes the compartments. gWLM does not remove
      virtual machine (hpvm) compartments, vpar compartments, or npar

    manage --host=host --type={ fss | pset | vpar | npar }
	   --workload=workload [--mute]

    manage --host=host --type=hpvm
	   --workload=workload [--mute]
      Add an existing workload to the deployed SRD. The workload, which must
      already be defined in the configuration repository, is associated with
      a compartment of its own (of the specified type) on the named host.
      The workload automatically becomes a part of the SRD managing the
      specified compartment type on that host. To add multiple workloads,
      invoke gwlm manage multiple times.

      A workload can be in only one deployed SRD at a time. (The same
      workload can be in multiple undeployed SRDs.)

      NOTE: When you have workloads based on psets or fss groups: If you let
      processes run in the default pset or the default fss group, they will
      be competing against all the other processes that are not explicitly
      placed in workloads. To ensure appropriate resource allocations for
      your processes, place them in workloads by specifying <user> tags or
      <application> tags when defining workloads, as explained in the
      gwlmxml(4) manpage, or by using the gwlmplace command.

      NOTE: Placing an additional workload in an SRD affects resource
      allocations for the workloads originally in the SRD. After adding a
      workload, evaluate how allocations are affected using gwlm monitor
      --srd=SRD --view=policy.	Then adjust the associated policies if
      needed, as shown in the "ADJUSTING POLICIES AFTER A 'manage' OR
      'unmanage'" section below.

      --host=host Specify the host on which the workload will run.

      --type={ fss | pset | vpar | npar | hpvm }
		  Specify the type of compartment in which the workload will
		  run. If you specify fss or pset, gWLM creates an fss group
		  or pset for the workload. If you specify vpar or npar, the
		  vpar/npar must already exist. If you specify hpvm, the
		  virtual machine must already exist.

		  Specify the name of the workload in the configuration
		  repository to add to the deployed SRD.

		  workload must have an associated policy (contain a policy
		  reference). Also, workload must not already be in a
		  deployed SRD.

		  Find names of workloads in the repository using the gwlm
		  list command.

      --mute	  Suppress validation warnings. If there are validation
		  errors though, the validation errors and warnings are

		  Specify, if desired, one of the following for the virtual
		  machine to be managed:

		  + The name of the virtual machine (as set using HP
		    Integrity Virtual Machines or HP Integrity Virtual
		    Machines Manager)

		  + The GUID of the virtual machine
		    (appears in the <nativeId> element in the XML)

		  gWLM attempts to determine this information automatically;
		  however, an error is generated if gWLM is not successful.

    unmanage --workload=workload [--mute]
      Stop managing a workload by removing it from its SRD. (The workload
      definition remains in the configuration repository, but it is no
      longer associated with its SRD.) To stop managing multiple workloads,
      invoke gwlm unmanage multiple times.

      You cannot unmanage the last workload in an SRD. To stop managing an
      SRD, use the undeploy command.

      With virtual machine (hpvm) compartments, you can only unmanage
      stopped virtual machines. An unmanaged virtual machine cannot be
      started while gWLM remains in control of the virtual machine host.

      If the workload's compartment is an fss group or a pset, gWLM destroys
      the compartment and moves the processes that were in the compartment
      to the default compartment. If the compartment is a vpar, npar, or
      virtual machine, gWLM does not destroy the compartment. (A compartment
      based on a vpar or npar must have a fixed policy to be unmanaged. A
      virtual machine must be stopped to be unmanaged.)

      NOTE: Unmanaging a workload affects resource allocations for the
      workloads remaining in the SRD. After unmanaging a workload, evaluate
      how allocations are affected using gwlm monitor --srd=SRD
      --view=policy.  Then adjust the associated policies if needed, as
      shown in the "ADJUSTING POLICIES AFTER A 'manage' OR 'unmanage'"
      section below.

		  Stop managing the specified workload.

      --mute	  Suppress validation warnings. If there are validation
		  errors though, the validation errors and warnings are

    delete { --policy=policy | --workload=workload | --srd=SRD } [...]
      Delete a definition for a policy, workload, or shared resource domain
      from the configuration repository. The definition cannot currently be
      in use as part of a deployed configuration. Delete multiple items by
      repeating the following arguments.

		  Delete the definition for the specified policy.

		  Delete the definition for the specified workload.

      --srd=SRD	  Delete the definition for the specified shared resource
		  domain (SRD).

    rename { --policy | --workload | --srd } oldname newname
      Rename a policy, workload, or shared resource domain. To rename
      multiple items, invoke gwlm rename multiple times.

      --policy	  Rename the policy about to be specified.

      --workload  Rename the workload about to be specified.

      --srd	  Rename the SRD about to be specified.

      oldname newname
		  Rename the policy, workload, or shared resource domain
		  that is named oldname to newname.

    license [--host=host] [...]
      Check the status of the gWLM software licenses on the managed nodes.

      --host	  Check licenses for only the specified hosts.

      Here is sample output for this command:

 SRD		Host	Status License
 ______________ _______ ______ _____________________________________________
 sys1.srd	sys1	OK     License is unrestricted.
 sys2.srd	sys2	OK     License will expire Thu Jun 16 14:01:43 2005.
 sys3.srd	sys3	Warn   License will expire Fri Feb 18 13:48:12 2005.
 sys4.srd	sys4	Error  License expired Thu Feb 17 12:48:12 2005.

      In the Status column, the three possible entries are:

      OK	  The managed node has a license installed that is either
		  unrestricted or expires more than seven days into the

      Warn	  The managed node has a license that expires within seven

      Error	  The managed node has an expired license.

    monitor [--count=n]
	    { --policy=policy
	    | --workload=workload [--view={ resource | policy }]
	    | --srd=SRD [--view=resource] [--nested]
	    | --srd=SRD --view=policy
	    | [--srd]}
      Monitor gWLM operation. When you specify no arguments, the output is
      the same as if you had specified --srd.  The output is described in
      the section "gwlm monitor OUTPUT DESCRIPTIONS" below.

      --count=n	  Set the number of updates to display before exiting.	By
		  default, monitoring continues until interrupted or until
		  the item being monitored is no longer part of a deployed

		  Monitor the specified policy in each deployed SRD in which
		  it is associated with a workload.

      --workload=workload [--view=view]
		  Monitor the specified workload. See --view for information
		  on selecting the view.

      --srd[=SRD [--view=view]]
		  Monitor deployed shared resource domains. Displays a
		  summary view of all deployed shared resource domains. If a
		  specific shared resource domain is given by SRD, a more
		  detailed view is presented. See --view for information on
		  selecting the view.

      --nested	  Monitor nested partitions for the named SRD.

      --view=view Choose a view, either resource or policy, for monitoring a
		  specific SRD or workload.  The resource view monitors
		  resource information for a workload, including size and
		  utilization. The policy view focuses on how well policies
		  are being met.  By default, the view is set to resource.

    history { --truncate=CCYY/MM/DD | --purge=days | --flush[=SRD] }
      Manage the historical data used in generating reports.


		  Perform the following operations:

		  + Locate the last successful configuration save before or
		    on CCYY/MM/DD and remove the configuration data prior to
		    that save

		  + Remove any historical monitoring data on the CMS that
		    has a timestamp earlier than CCYY/MM/DD.

		  For example, with CCYY/MM/DD equal to 2005/01/15 and the
		  last successful configuration save on 2005/01/10, all
		  configuration data before that save on 2005/01/10 is
		  removed. Also, all historical data up through the end of
		  January 14, 2005 is removed.

		  Remove from the database all historical and configuration
		  data that is older than the specified number of days.

		  Collect the historical data from the managed nodes in the
		  specified SRD, placing it in the historical database. If
		  no SRD is specified, collect all historical data from all
		  the managed nodes.

		  Use this command if:

		  + An SRD has been running for a long period of time
		    without any configuration changes and you want to view
		    historical data from the current day

		  + You are about to create an advanced report

    agentinfo [--host=host] [--srd=SRD]
      Display an agent's host, gWLM version, SRD, and CMS. (The agent must
      be in a deployed SRD.)

      --host=host Display information for the agent on host.

      --srd=SRD	  Display information for the agents in the named SRD.

      With no arguments specified, agentinfo displays information for all
      deployed SRDs.

    reset --host=host [...]
      Reset the configuration on host so the host can be managed in an SRD

      reset is an advanced command for clearing an SRD. The recommended
      method for typically removing a host from management is to use the
      gwlm undeploy command.

      If gWLM is unable to reform an SRD that includes host after host or
      its gWLM agent loses contact with the CMS, use reset to clear the SRD
      on the specified host.

      After using reset, you can configure the host in a new SRD.


      The columns you see in the various gwlm monitor output are described

	   The amount of a resource, such as CPU, that gWLM sets aside for a
	   workload after arbitrating resource requests from the policies
	   for all the workloads.

	   A double-dash entry (--) indicates the workload contains nested
	   partitions. For allocation information, see each individual
	   nested partition.

	   In managed mode, gWLM makes an allocation available to a
	   workload. In advisory mode, however, gWLM simply reports what the
	   allocation would be--without actually affecting resource
	   allocations on a system.  (Advisory mode is not available for
	   SRDs containing virtual machines, psets, or fss groups.)

	   For fixed policies: A compartment's size is the amount of CPU
	   resources allocated to the compartment.

	   For all other policies: The current value of a metric being used
	   in the policy. This metric could be CPU utilization or a metric
	   you provide in a custom policy.

	   The name of a policy.

	   The amount of a system resource that a policy asks gWLM to give
	   to the policy's workload. (Parameters you specify in defining a
	   policy restrict its request.)

      Shared Resource Domain
	   The name of a shared resource domain.

	   The amount of a resource a compartment actually has.

	   A size appearing in parentheses indicates the item contains
	   nested partitions. Such a size corresponds to the sum of the
	   sizes of the nested partitions the item contains.

	   When gWLM is deployed in advisory mode, size may differ from the
	   allocation. In advisory mode, utilization is the percentage
	   resulting from dividing a workload's consumption (how much it is
	   using) by its size.

	   For fixed policies: The target CPU allocation.

	   For utilization and OwnBorrow policies: The target utilization

	   For custom policies: The target value entered when creating the

	   The compartment type.

	   The percentage resulting from dividing a workload's consumption
	   (how much it is using) by its allocation (how much gWLM gave it).

	   A utilization appearing in parentheses indicates the item
	   contains nested partitions. Such a utilization corresponds to an
	   average of the utilizations of the nested partitions the item

	   The name of a workload.

	   With --nested, workload names are indented to indicate the
	   nesting of partitions.  Items appearing in parentheses contain
	   nested partitions.


      The manage and unmanage operations both change the set of workloads in
      an SRD. Such a change can affect resource allocations for the SRD's
      new set of workloads. Consequently, you should evaluate allocations in
      the new SRD (using gwlm monitor --srd=SRD --view=policy) to determine
      whether policy changes are needed to ensure resource allocations are
      as desired.

      NOTE: When using gWLM A.01.00 agents or A.01.01.x agents, gWLM limits
      the combinations of policies. For example, you cannot deploy an SRD
      that has both utilization policies and OwnBorrow policies being used.

      If policy changes are needed, you have several options:

	 + Change which policy is associated with a workload

	   1. Export the workload's definition:
	      gwlm export --workload=workload --file=file

	   2. Edit the definition to use a different policy:
	      Change the "<policyReference>" entry

	   3. Import the definition:
	      gwlm import --file=file

	 + Edit the policy definition

	   1. Export a policy being used:
	      gwlm export --policy=policy --file=file

	   2. Edit the definition, as explained in the gwlmxml(4) manpage.

	   3. Import the definition:
	      gwlm import --file=file

	   This new definition will supersede the policy in effect for all
	   workloads referencing the given policy's name.

	 + Create a new policy

	   You can create a new policy and then import it into the
	   configuration repository. You would then change the workload's
	   definition--as described earlier in this example--to reference
	   the new policy.


    Creating SRDs
      The only way to create SRDs is through discovery, as described below:

      1. Run the gwlm discover command as follows to form an SRD based on

	 # gwlm discover host --file=file --type=vpar

	 Use the discover command without the --type option if you would
	 like to see a listing of the compartment types available on host
	 before committing to a certain type.

      2. Edit file to change the SRD's generated name or mode, if desired.

      3. Import the XML file into the configuration repository:

	 # gwlm import --file=file

      4. Deploy the SRD:

	 # gwlm deploy --srd=SRD

	 where SRD is the name of the SRD as specified in file, when you are
	 ready for gWLM to manage the resource allocation for the workloads
	 in the SRD.

    Adding a new workload to an SRD
      To add a workload to a deployed SRD:

      1. Define a workload, as explained in the gwlmxml(4) manpage, in an
	 XML file, called file for example.

	 NOTE: When you have workloads based on psets or fss groups: If you
	 let processes run in the default pset or the default fss group,
	 they will be competing against all the other processes that are not
	 explicitly placed in workloads. To ensure appropriate resource
	 allocations for your processes, place them in workloads by
	 specifying <user> tags or <application> tags when defining
	 workloads or by using the gwlmplace command.

      2. Import the XML file into the configuration repository:

	 # gwlm import --file=file

      3. Display the names of the deployed SRDs to which you can add the

	 Use either of the following commands:

	 # gwlm monitor --count=1

	 # gwlm --list=srd

	 With the second command, look for SRDs with "deployed=true".

	 NOTE: You can go to Step 5 if you already know the name of the SRD
	 to which you want to add the workload.

      4. Export the SRDs to determine what hosts and types of compartments
	 they manage:

	 # gwlm export --srd=SRD

	 Repeatedly invoke this command, replacing SRD for each SRD found in
	 the gwlm monitor output in the previous step until you find the SRD
	 to which you want to add the workload.

      5. Add the workload to a deployed SRD of the desired compartment type
	 using the manage command:

	 # gwlm manage --host=host --type=type --workload=workload

      6. Adjust policies for other workloads if needed. See the section
	 "ADJUSTING POLICIES AFTER A 'manage' OR 'unmanage'" above for
	 additional information.

    Removing a workload from an SRD
      To remove a workload from an SRD, leaving the workload's definition in
      the configuration repository:

      1. Determine the name of the workload to remove:

	 # gwlm list --workload

      2. For a workload in an npar or a vpar compartment, set its associated
	 policy to a fixed policy before unmanaging the workload.

      3. Remove the workload from its SRD:

	 # gwlm unmanage --workload=workload

	 NOTE: For psets and fss groups, if you unmanage the corresponding
	 workload, any processes running in the compartment are moved. gWLM
	 places these processes in new compartments based on application
	 records or user records. If those compartments do not exist or no
	 records exist, gWLM places the processes in the default pset or
	 default fss group. (You create records with the "<user>" and
	 "<application>" tags in your XML file, as explained in the
	 gwlmxml(4) manpage.  You can also create records through HP Systems
	 Insight Manager using gWLM's Edit Workloads window.)
      4. Adjust policies for other workloads if needed. See the section
	 "ADJUSTING POLICIES AFTER A 'manage' OR 'unmanage'" above for
	 additional information.

      The gwlm monitor command offers the output shown below. (Some of the
      output has been modified for formatting purposes.)

      For an explanation of the column headings, see the section above
      called "gwlm monitor OUTPUT DESCRIPTIONS."

      The first example lists the deployed SRDs. (You get the same output if
      you enter the command gwlm monitor --srd.)

      # gwlm monitor

      Wed Dec 13 14:16:00 2006
      Number of deployed Shared Resource Domains: 1

      Shared Resource Domain	Allocation	      Size  Utilization
      ______________________  ____________  ______________  ___________
      mysystem1.srd		   8 Cores	   8 Cores	 20.1 %

      From the previous command, we got the name of an SRD. We can use that
      name to get either a resource view (the default) or policy view of the
      SRD, as shown in the following two examples.

      # gwlm monitor --srd=mysystem1.srd --view=resource

      Wed Dec 13 14:16:30 2006
      Shared Resource Domain: mysystem1.srd

      Workload		      Type    Allocation	    Size  Utilization
      __________________  ________  ____________  ______________  ___________
      mysystem1.OTHER	      pset	 4 Cores	 4 Cores	3.3 %	      pset	 4 Cores	 4 Cores	3.0 %
      __________________  ________  ____________  ______________  ___________
      Totals				 8 Cores	 8 Cores	3.2 %

      # gwlm monitor --srd=mysystem1.srd --view=policy

      Wed Dec 13 14:18:00 2006
      Shared Resource Domain: mysystem1.srd

      Policy	       Workload		     Target	Measured      Request
      _______________  _______________ ____________ ____________ ____________
      Owns_4-Max_8     mysystem1.OTHER	    75.00 %	  5.67 %      1 Cores
      Owns_4-Max_8	    75.00 %	  4.51 %      1 Cores

      From the last two commands, we now have the names of workloads in the
      SRD. Using one of those names, we can focus our monitoring on a single
      workload in the next two examples, getting the default resource view
      and the policy view.

      # gwlm monitor --view=resource

      Wed Dec 13 14:21:30 2006

      Shared Resource Domain	Allocation	      Size  Utilization
      ______________________  ____________  ______________  ___________
      mysystem1.srd		   4 Cores	   4 Cores	  4.4 %

      # gwlm monitor --view=policy

      Wed Dec 13 14:27:30 2006

      Policy	       Shared Resource Dom	 Target	    Measured	Request
      _______________  ___________________ ____________ ____________ __________
      Owns_4-Max_8     mysystem1.srd	    75.00 %	  4.21 %	1 Cores

      We can also focus on a single policy, getting a list of all the
      workloads being affected by the policy:

      # gwlm monitor --policy=Owns_4-Max_8

      Wed Dec 13 14:31:45 2006
      Policy: Owns_4-Max_8

      Shared Resource Dom  Workload	       Target	  Measured	Request
      ___________________  ________________ _________ ____________ ____________
      mysystem1.srd	   mysystem1.OTHER   75.00 %	2.62 %		1 Cores
      mysystem1.srd    75.00 %	3.39 %		1 Cores

      This next example shows output for an SRD consisting of nested

      # gwlm monitor --srd=mysystem1.srd --nested

      Thu May 04 10:56:50 2006
      Shared Resource Domain: mysystem1.srd

      Workload			   Type	   Allocation	       Size  Utilization
      __________________________ ______	 ____________  ____________  ___________	   npar	   3.00 Cores	 3.00 Cores	   1.3 %
      (mysystem)		   npar		 --    (8.00 Cores)	 (1.5 %)	   vpar	   3.00 Cores	 3.00 Cores	   1.6 %
	(mysystemb)		   vpar		 --    (3.00 Cores)	 (1.1 %)
	    mysystemb.OTHER	    fss	   3.00 Cores	 3.00 Cores	   1.1 %
	(mysystemc)		   vpar		 --    (2.00 Cores)	 (2.0 %)
	    mysystemc.OTHER	    fss	   2.00 Cores	 2.00 Cores	   2.0 %
      (mysystem2)		   npar		 --    (3.00 Cores)	 (1.5 %)
	    mysystem2.OTHER	    fss	   3.00 Cores	 3.00 Cores	   1.5 %
      __________________________ ______	 ____________  ____________  ___________
      Totals				  14.00 Cores	14.00 Cores	   1.5 %


    Compatibility with Outside CPU (Core) / System Control
      gWLM expects to have complete control of the CPUs, or cores, available
      on a system. However, when you must make manual adjustments to system
      resources, you can do so as follows:

	   1. Undeploy the SRD containing the systems that you want to

	   2. Make your adjustments

	   3. Re-create and re-deploy the SRD

      Use the above steps whenever you must perform any of the following
      manual adjustments:

      + Adjustments to the number of cores on systems where gWLM is running

      + Adjustments to Temporary Instant Capacity resources, Instant
	Capacity resources, virtual machines, vpars (including changes in
	core binding), or npars

      + Adjustments to entitlements for virtual machines

      + Changes to a virtual machine's number of virtual CPUs while gWLM is
	managing the virtual machine

      + Creation or deletion of a pset using psrset on a system where gWLM
	is managing pset compartments

      + Moving memory from one vpar to another using vparmodify

      + Performing online cell operations using parolrad

      + Enabling/disabling Hyper-Threading


      gwlm was developed by HP.


      gwlmcmsd	      gWLM daemon that runs on the gWLM CMS

		      Log* of gwlm command

      * The name of the current log always ends in .log.0. Once this file
      grows to a certain size, it is moved to a filename ending in .log.1
      and a new .log.0 file is started. If a .log.1 file already exists, it
      is renamed .log.2. If a .log.2 file already exists, it is overwritten.
      (By default, the log file size is limited to 20 Mbytes and the number
      of log files is limited to 3. You can change these defaults by adding
      the following properties:

	   com.hp.gwlm.util.Log.logFileSize = 20
	   com.hp.gwlm.util.Log.logNFiles = 3

      to /etc/opt/gwlm/conf/ and changing the values.)


      gwlm(5), gwlmxml(4), vseinitconfig(1M), gwlmplace(1M)