Arbortext Editor has a compare_files() function that takes two files as input and generates a third file that shows the differences between the two input files. The generated file shows the changes by placing the differences in and XML tags. You can repeatedly use this function in a file that you call from Arbortext Editor to quickly create comparison files. This feature can be quite time-saving when going through edits from your editor and comparing the changes. To create such a file and call it from Arbortext editor: 1. Place the edited XML files in a directory named edited. 2. Create two directories at the same level as the edited directory. Name these directories originals and diffs. 3. Copy the original files into the originals directory. 4. Copy and paste the following perl code into a file that you name #!/usr/bin/perl open(F1, "ls |") || die "Could not get list of files: $!\n"; open(F2, ">SOURCE_THIS_FILE.txt") || die "Could not open output file: $!\n"; while(){ if($_ =~ /(.*).dita/) { print F2 "compare_files(\"$1.dita\", \"../edited/$1.dita\", \"../diffs/$1.dita\");\n"; } } close(F1); close(F2); 5. Place in your originals directory. 6. Run to create a input file for Arbortext editor. On UNIX, run the script using this command: ./ On Windows, run the script in a command window: perl The perl script creates a new file called SOURCE_THIS_FILE.txt. 7. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the originals directory and double-click any .dita file to open the file in Arbortext Editor. This step ensures that Arbortext Editor can open the files as listed with their relative paths in the SOURCE_THIS_FILE.txt file. 8. Close the .dita file you just opened but leave Arbortext Editor open. 9. Run the SOURCE_THIS_FILE.txt file by entering "source SOURCE_THIS_FILE.txt" in the Arbortext Editor command pane at the bottom of the Arbortext Editor window. If the command pane is not visible, select Tools > Preferences, select the "Command Line" box, and click OK. Arbortext Editor generates the comparison files in the ../diffs directory. These comparison files use the names of the original files so that after you approve or reject the changes in the comparison file, you can copy it over the original file in source control without renaming it.