@ECHO OFF REM ----------------------------------- About this tool ----------------------------------- REM REM This batch file converts GIF files to EPS files. REM REM This batch file is based on examples from http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/windows/#filenames. REM It requires ImageMagick and Ghostscript. REM REM Created July, 2010 by Scott Cox (scottcox@us.ibm.com). REM REM --------------------------------- Installing the tool --------------------------------- REM REM 1. Download and install ImageMagick: REM http://www.imagemagick.org/download/binaries/ImageMagick-6.6.3-0-Q16-windows-dll.exe REM REM 2. Download and install Ghostscript: REM http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghostscript/files/GPL%20Ghostscript/8.71/gs871w32.exe/download REM REM 3. Save this batch file to your Desktop. REM REM -------------------------- Converting GIF files to EPS files -------------------------- REM REM 1. Navigate in Windows Explorer to the folder with the GIF files. REM 2. Drag one or more GIF files to the batch file's icon on your Desktop. REM The batch file displays a status window. REM It produces EPS versions of the GIF files and places them in the same folder as the GIF files. REM REM ---------------------------------- Viewing EPS files ---------------------------------- REM REM To view EPS files on Windows, associate the EPS extension with the REM ImageMagick file viewer (IMDisplay). FOR %%A IN (%*) DO ( convert %%A "%%~dpnA.eps" ECHO Converted %%~nxA to %%~nA.eps ) PAUSE EXIT